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Top AI Jobs That Will Give An Edge To Your Career in 2022

The AI job marketing is attracting a lot of buzz at the moment. O’Reilly estimates the average salary of AI and data employees at nearly one hundred fifty thousand dollars a year. Many companies use AI and machine learning in sales, CRM, chatbots, cybersecurity, and marketing automation. Millions of jobs come from these functions. AI is also bringing about major changes in SRE roles. According to MIT, 60% of manufacturers are already using AI. 

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Top AI jobs

AI Engineer

The average salary of an AI engineer is $171,715 with top earners making over $250,000. An AI expert develops intelligent systems that learn, analyze, and predict future events. AI engineers can specialize in various areas such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. The role requires in-depth knowledge of computer science, programming languages, automated systems, and AI algorithms. 

Machine Learning Engineer

The average salary of a machine learning engineer is $131,000. ML engineers study, construct, and design AI systems capable of running autonomously to automate predictive models and take on business problems and decision-making. 

Robotics Engineer

The average salary of a robotics engineer ranges from $87,000 to $130,000. Robotics engineers are one of the first AI careers when industrial robots gained popularity in the 1950s. Robotics has many applications today, including healthcare robot-assisted surgeries and humanoid robots designed to be personal assistants. 

Data Scientist

The average salary of a data scientist is $105,000. Data scientists handle and process massive amounts of data every day, collecting, analyzing, and gleaning insights for a variety of purposes. 

NLP Engineer

The average salary of an NLP engineer is $78,000, going up to over $100,000. NLP engineers specialize in the human language spoken and written. NLP is used by engineers who work on voice assistants, speech recognition, document processing, and other applications. A specialized degree in computational linguistics is required.